Assured Mercy

The desire to know why is common to man and despite this desire, man is yet to figure out. This instincts are yet to be fulfilled. It is time in this new year to begin to trust God Almighty more to satisfy, find and satisfy our quest. Psalm 62:5-7.

The knowledge of man with all experience will never remove the mysteries of life that comes daily. God in His infinite mercies has promised to continue to be with us in moments of darkness as light dwells in Him. When in darkness or in mysterious situation we need his assured mercy so we can rest knowing He sees it all.

The righteousness of man is like a filthy rag before the Almighty God which will not make him to rise to approaching His throne. The thought of working out a way to perfection before God is insane. That is why we see believers claiming righteousness through their fasting, prayers, fellowshipping and reading the Bible. Romans 3:20. We need His assured mercy!

Becoming self focused for the sake of achieving is the order of the day; the result is just more envy and greed. A man then look around him for success instead of looking up to God for such. Psalm 73:25,26. Wonderful blessing comes to man by looking up to God for His assured mercy with effort.

In the world today,, our faith is more in what we see around us. We say we have faith but anxiously wish for change in things we have no ability to change. We are given the power to believe first then His mercy will work in our situation, like a potter to a clay. Ephesians 2:8. Are you disappointed, depressed or discouraged because of a situation that is not changing? You need the assured mercy of God.

When afraid in a any challenge we face, this means we have forgotten about the God of wisdom, that rules with power and mercy. Stop panicking because of that Goliath and know you are a child of God. Leave your wants in the hands of God, let Him look at it with His merciful eyes. Luke 12: 22-30.

In Jesus Christ there is endless and assured mercy, His mercy shall speak for you at every point of need in Jesus’ name. Amen.

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