Jesus Our Strong Tower

The Name of the Lord is a strong tower: the righteous man runneth into it, and is safe.
Proverbs 18:10

Where do you run for protection and safety? In this physical world, to protect us we need a physical structure, like a tower. But in this world, even a physical structure can fail us.
However, in the spiritual world, the Lord tells us we can run to Him and stand strong behind the power of His name. How do we do this? How do we run to the protection of our Lord when we need it?

This Fall we will be discussing this very topic at our retreat, and getting the perspective of award winning speakers, Elisa Morgan, Gary Thomas, and LaDonna Gatlin.
If we look at the words of scripture, the action verb here is “run.” This means that we take action when we need protection. In other words, we must run to it to find safety. This may be as simple as calling on His name with prayer when we need His protection. As simple as it sounds, so often it is easy to forget where to run to when we are in need.
Learn more about this amazing verse and how we run to the protection of our Lord this Fall.

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